4729 Transit Rd #7

Depew, New York

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Auriculotherapy At The Buffalo Chiropractic Center


Almost Instant Pain Relief In Most Conditions Since Introducing Auriculotherapy This Past Week At Buffalo Chiropractic Center.

What Is Auriculotherapy?

It is a non-invasive form of electrical stimulation to the external ear for relief of PAIN and ADDICTIVE Issues. Auriculotherapy originally was developed in France By Dr Paul Nogier Who Formulated it into its modern form.

Auriculotherapy Is Effective For:

Back Pain, Headaches, Bursitis, Shoulder Pain, Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tennis Elbow, TMJ, Dizziness, Insomnia, Hip Pain, Knee Pain, Foot And Ankle Pain, Sciatica , Addictions For Nicotine and appetite..Plus Very Effective For Many Other Difficult Complaints..

Painless And Non-Invasive

Most Results And Relief In 2 Minutes

Ask About It For Yourself And/OR Refer Your Friends And Family.

Difficult Cases Seem To Respond the Best Including Back Pain, Neck Pain And Migraine Headaches..


William J Palmer


Depew Ny


September 22, 2014
Dr. Palmer

At Buffalo Chiropractic Center, we are devoted to helping you feel better and keeping you healthy. We offer a variety of safe and gentle treatment options that are designed for each patientā€™s unique needs and goals.

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