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Chiropractic for Sciatica in Cheektowaga, NY

Chiropractic for Sciatica in Cheektowaga, NYHere’s an interesting story that proves that chiropractic works for sciatica. The setting was a hospital in Norway called the Central Hospital of Sogn and Fjordane, in Forde. Forty-four patients were diagnosed with acute sciatica. They had sudden and painful low back pain. The orthopedic surgeons found normal x-rays, CT scans, and MRIs in all sciatica patients. These 44 patients truly had the doctors stumped!

That’s when a chiropractor was brought in to examine the sciatica patients. What did he find? In every case, there was a fixation in the lumbopelvic region (where the lumbar spine meets the pelvis).

Thirty-three patients were treated in the chiropractor’s clinic while the ones who could not be moved from the hospital were treated in the hospital.

The researchers followed up with all 44 sciatica patients for the next two years. All except two patients had returned back to work. The scientists noted that the sick leave among the sciatica patients was two-thirds less than what conventional treatment yields.

This medical study supports the initiative of the Norwegian government to start referring patients to chiropractors for neuromuscular dysfunctions such as sciatica. Of course you don't need to go to Norway to experience the benefits of this innovative treatment. Call your chiropractor in Cheektowaga, NY to begin healing from sciatica today.


Orlin, J.R. and Didriksen, A. Results of chiropractic treatment of lumbopelvic fixation in 44 patients of an orthopedic department. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2007 Feb; 30(2):135-9.
August 25, 2014
Dr. Palmer

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